17 Sep Pantry Service in Oklahoma City Delivers More
What type of refreshment options are available in your Oklahoma City break room? Pantry Service? A Micro-Market? Vending Machines? In 2019, it’s very important to offer your employees a variety of snack and beverage choices. For a break room to be an appealing potential new employee benefit and an effective retention tool for current employees, the physical space and refreshment products available must meet both current and up-and-coming and expanding trends.
The trend of snacking while at work is growing, and it will keep spreading as younger generations represent an even bigger part of the workforce. For example, recent studies from Euromonitor, a market research firm, found that Millennials eat 3.05 snacks per day while GenXers consume 2.26 snacks.
If a Millennial employee works eight hours per day, that means they are likely eating a snack almost every 2.5 hours (without considering lunch). Another way to look at it is how often do those individuals have to go off-site during their workday to find the healthy snack that they are looking for.
Peapod also performed a study and found that (1) healthy snacks at work boost satisfaction and happiness; (2) 66 percent of employees enjoyed free snacks and were either very happy or extremely happy at work; and (3) almost 83 percent of employees surveyed preferred “having healthy and fresh snack options (e.g., fruit, vegetables, yogurt, low-calorie snacks) provided in the workplace.”
Combine the results of those two studies, and it’s easy to see why offering pantry service or free healthy snacks, beverages and fresh food is an easy decision. Pantry service is also a great tool to use to combat mid-afternoon munchies and energy slumps as well as a cost-effective employee benefit especially when compared to other types of employee benefits.
As with other company objectives, choosing a break room refreshment menu should also be a strategic business decision. Take the time to determine the best combination of products for your organization. The results might be surprising. Boost company morale and see an increase in employee interaction, bonding and overall productivity by offering pantry service or free vend in your Oklahoma City break room.
Hayes Canteen Refreshments can help customize the perfect refreshment menu and create a welcoming environment for your employees. For more information or to start the collaboration process, please contact us at 405-495-8667.